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Editing GPG Key Information: A Quick Guide

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GPG Linux
Loves to write about technology, and cybersecurity related topics :)
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First of all, Happy New Year!! :3 This is the first post for the last day of 2023 :D 2023-12-31

Updating Email, User Name, or Expiry Date: Here’s a simple guide on how to edit details like email, user name, and expiry date.

Note: When updating email information, ensure you add a new email before attempting to delete the old one. This maintains the key’s integrity and allows for a smooth transition.

Step 1: Find the Key ID

Start by identifying the key ID using the following command:

gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long

Step 2: Edit the Key

Enter the GPG key editing mode with the key ID:

gpg --edit-key <ID>

On the GnuPG prompt, proceed to the next steps.

Step 3: Adding a New Email and Deleting the Old One

Inside the GnuPG prompt:

gpg> adduid

Follow the interactive prompts to provide the new details. Confirm and enter the passphrase when prompted. Save the changes:

gpg> save

To delete the old email, ensure you have added a new email first:

gpg> deluid

Step 4: Updating Expiry Date

To change the expiry date:

gpg> expire

Follow the interactive prompts for details. To modify the ssb expiry date, select the uid (for example, uid 1):

gpg> uid 1
gpg> expire

Adjust the date and save:

gpg> save

Step 5: Verify Changes

Confirm that the changes are correct by checking the signed commit messages:

git log --show-signature


This step-by-step guide you to confidently navigate the process of editing GPG key information, whether you need to update your email, user name, or expiry date.



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